All my seminars have been developed with specific objectives in mind. They are designed to make you live a wide range of experiences, allowing you to rediscover yourself, to reach your full potential, to get rid of certain past limitations, to regain your equilibrium and live closer to your mission in life. These are inspired by my own experiences, apprenticeships and discoveries while traveling around the globe. The destinations have been chosen, taking in mind unique characteristics based on their energy, culture and inspiration and those of their inhabitants who live at a very different pace from ours. As always, nature plays an important role in letting us renew our resources and take the necessary time out to take stock of our own lives. You’ll live through a wide mix of enriching human, emotional and spiritual experiences as well as a personal self-pacing process surrounded by inspiring and appeasing natural settings.





Duration: 12 days
Next event: October 17-28, 2015

Go back thousands of years in time and take a meditative walk in the Moroccan desert with your dromedary. One of the greatest adventures available: stopping, reconnecting to rediscover oneself and traveling like desert caravans have been doing since the beginning of time under an incomparable star lit desert sky. Let this introspective silence fill your being and feel life flowing through you like the grains in the hourglass of time. Along with me, you’ll be guided by a group of Berbers and the desert itself while traveling during the day in complete silence with periods of meditation and energy-building exercises in the morning; evenings will be spent around the fire, dancing and sharing experiences with your Berber guides before sleeping in tents like nomads. An initiatory quest that will set you vibrating once again.

To obtain the full description of this excursion, call us at 1-888-877-5075




Duration: 7 days
Next event: April 11-18 2015 (seminar in FRENCH ONLY at the present time – English to come soon)

Come experience the incredibly rich and abundant natural beauty of Costa Rica and undertake a “return to basics” as you reorient your lifestyle. This seminar lets you take a break from life and allows you to discover and put to use the principles of happiness so many people long for. These universal principles discovered through various cultures, religions and experiences are transmitted to you in a unique setting so that you may find your own path, using tools offered for your experimentation. You will further benefit from this environment via yoga activities, meditation and adventuresome Tyrolean traverse excursions along the canopy of giant trees. The awakening, adventure and nature you experience will lead you to gently reconnect to your primary essence.

To obtain the full description of this excursion, call us at 1-888-877-5075




Duration: 18 days
Next event: 2016 (dates to be confirmed – register to newsletter to stay informed)

A unique, incomparable seminar set in a fabulous location with its landscapes, luxuriant rice fields, magical beauty, the warmth of its inhabitants and especially the energy that flows from within. You’ll discover the kindness of the Balinese, as well as their vibrant spirituality as you are immersed in this rich, intoxicating and contagious culture. You’ll be given the opportunity to take full stock of your life, to undertake a strategic, human and in-depth reflection via various psychological, artistic, physical and liberating means of change affecting both mind and body. This seminar is designed to allow you to experiment by various means with your whole being and all its nuances so that you may move towards the equilibrium so many seek. You’ll discover what has the greatest impact for you, and will find your own answers with the help of local practitioners and myself.

To obtain the full description of this excursion, call us at 1-888-877-5075


Partner Agency Esprit d’Aventure